Simple Web Copy That Works!
How to write simple web copy that works.
Need help creating website copy? Simply Consults has wrapped up all the info you need to craft your content.
Got a business, a website and social media accounts? Now you need the words for them. Are you one of those lucky people who just love tap tapping away, sharing their latest ideas and offerings? If so congratulations, and this probably isn’t for you.
Most people struggle sometimes with what to write, or how to put things. This gets even more tricky when writing about your own business. It’s that whole fairy godmother thang. You just can’t turn the magic on yourself. Sound familiar? This is for you…
So, what makes great website content?
Time to unlock the copywriter tricks of the trade.
Be Friendly
People buy from people and the more your words show genuine interest in others, the more business they will bring you. The days of stuffy business text are long gone, even for finance and insurance companies. Feel free to use everyday language and match the terms you use to the type of wording your customers normally read and say. You’re looking to sound like an informed friend. You know the one? The one you turn to for advice and recommendations.
Tell people what they need to know, not just what you want to say
If you’ve done market research or just know your business area really well, make sure it comes over in your content. You don’t need to bang on endlessly about what you’ve done or where you’ve been if that isn’t relevant. Be totally clear about how your products / services are just what’s needed and wanted by the reader. If you want an expert mountain guide, you need to know they’ve scaled some peaks as your life could depend on their expertise. If you want hiking boots, you’ll not be so desperate to know who’s selling them, but you will want to know they’ll get you through a range of Munroes.
Show your personality.
Essential? Too risky?
To be honest, it depends, and not just on what your personality is like! If you want to build a brand that’s all about you and what you can offer, then you’ll have to show your personality. An Instagram Influencer has to be prepared to share big chunks of themselves and their life. If you want to share your products / services with less riding on you personally, then give the products / services a personality instead. We can all think of brands with personality: Nike, Apple, Kellogg’s. Even small brands can have big personalities. What will yours be?
Imagination casts a powerful spell and imagining will sell for you. What sets us apart from other species? Some argue it’s our abilities to imagine and communicate. These abilities make humans into impressive storytellers. Songs, books and films all grab our imaginations, and you can captivate people’s imaginations too. You don’t need song or scriptwriting skills, but you do need to loosen up your mind and let it start imagining. What do you want someone visiting your site to imagine? What word picture can you paint to show them how much better, easier, more enjoyable, less troublesome life will be with your help? Get creative and see what comes to you.
Biggest and brightest blooms first
It’s crowded out there. Most businesses have lots of competition looking to grab every customer’s attention, especially online. Let’s make it simple. Think of the internet as being like an old style gardening prize show. The judge is coming round all the tables, and you’re super-keen to win the prize this year. What would you put front and centre in your display? You got it! The biggest and brightest blooms need to be right in front, the first thing the judge sees. Now translate this into your website. What are your biggest and brightest blooms? The awards you’ve won for being brilliant at what you do? Your stratospheric customer satisfaction ratings? Maybe it’s your amazing delivery / speed / customisation? Whatever is your most impressive thing, make it easy to see.
The power of three
What’s your USP again?
Marketing gurus rely on the power of three. Three points of contact before a sale takes place, three sources of information to support a buying decision and three reinforcements of the USP. Triangulation would be the scientific way to describe it. Fact is, we tend to believe what we hear or read three times over. When you show off your unique selling point/s, don’t do it once and assume the reader has got it. Most of us scan screens, reading only part of what’s there. We rapidly scan to find things of most relevance to us. Remember this when drafting your web copy. Cut to the chase and reinforce the core message at least three times. Then spread those terms through your copy. If possible, go on to use slightly different terms to continue to share the same basic message. If it’s about convenience, say how available your product is, how quickly delivered and how easy to order. If quality is your USP, describe the luxury, the high value and the superiority of your product.
Action words motivate people
Always be closing is a salesperson’s mantra. Some use the term – The Call to Action. What does it mean? Simply, in person and online, people respond to action words. Some action words are very direct. You’ll have seen: Call Now, Hit Reply, Subscribe Here, Buy Now. Those are all useful and get results, especially if there is an incentive like money off or a time-limited offer. Don’t be shy or afraid to use them for fear of coming over as too pushy or bossy. Everyone expects this kind of thing now. You can also make your calls to action a bit more friendly or subtle, or even mix direct and more subtle up in the same content. People love questionnaires that customise what they are offered, showing prices and guarantees. Why not create a quick click questionnaire that leads a customer to their perfect product/service? That’s the gentlest and one of the most successful ways to sell. Once someone has invested time in answering your questions and received helpful recommendations, they are in a good place to click that purchase or call button. See below ;)
Thinking about a new website? Not sure where to start?
Simply Consults can build it for you or train you how to do it yourself.
What about SEO?
It’s the newbie business copywriter’s biggest challenge. It can feel like SE-Noooooo. Google’s systems change constantly, making it hard to keep up. Any good news for newbies? Yes – if you create content that is fresh, relevant and regularly updated, you’re in with a good chance of being found. A listing on the first page of any search engine is a challenge and involves investment in time and money. But words can work for you in maximising your SEO whatever your budget and timescale. Be super specific and you’ll make a mark. This could be area specific – The best cupcakes in Shawlands – or – Kirriemuir’s top building service. It could be product or service specific – Bihar Yoga classes for beginners – or – Anti-viral handwash for eczema home delivery. Drilling down into exactly what people are putting into their search engines and then weaving this though your copy will always boost your rankings. Your H1 & H2 headings are the ideal place to capture search engine attention.
You’re not alone
You’re great at doing what you do. You don’t have to be great at everything else. So, if you give it your best shot and are still struggling with a word-salad and feeling less SEO and more SENooooo, Simply Consults will give you the helping hand you need. Good luck, and let me know how you get on putting this guide into action. Or click to learn more about what Simply Consults can do for you (see what I did there?)
Ok. Take a breath and remember, getting it right may take some time but will be so worth it. You might need to make a few drafts before you’re happy, but if you get stuck help is on hand.
If you are interested in some website training or having some content written and would like to know more please get in touch or drop us a comment below.